a swiss medical society - geneva


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The purpose of this site is to present the Smile Designer & Dentophobia medical center in Switzerland,the care it provides and to make it easier to get in touch. 

It can in no way replace the relationship between the patient and the practitioner.

The Smile designer and dentophobia website is developed by the Swiss medical company SDD Advisors AG:

SDD Advisors SA is registered in the Geneva Trade Register under the number IDE : CHE-258.869.513

SDD Advisors SA is registered in the SASIS Creditor Code Register under the number GLN: 760. for the dental division.

This site is intended for a general audience:

Its entire content is original and written by Dr Jérôme Weinman, Dentist. 

Dr Jérôme Weinman is and is registered in the Federal Register under number GLN 7601003340167. 

He has a right to practice in the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud.

The site is entirely funded by SDD and does not display advertisements: it does not accept or receive any advertising funds:


HEAD OFFICE : Registered office : Rue du Nant 22, 1207 – GENEVA

PUBLICATION RESPONSIBLE: Dr. Jérôme Weinman, Scientific Advisor; Svetlana Belova, Manager.

DESIGN : website creation SEO : Cyril Gastaud – GOODWEB

HOSTING : OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix


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It is reminded that the secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet network and that it is up to each Internet user to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet.

Telephone discussion

15 minutes free
courtesy of

office appointment

30 minutes – CHF 135

Visio-Consultation on Onedoc

30 minutes – CHF 95


Questionnaire to assess your stomatophobia

Telephone discussion

office appointment

Visio-Consultation on ONEDOC


15 minutes free
courtesy of

30 minutes – CHF 135

30 minutes – CHF 95

Questionnaire to assess your stomatophobia